Issue 129, The Plague

Issue 129, The Plague


This issue focuses on the Black Death, its causes, and its aftermath. We look at the beginnings of the Plague outbreak, its spread into Europe, and how it impacted large cities such as Constantinople. We then travel far north to the Orkney, Shetland, and Faroe Islands to see its impact in these regions where documentation is scarce. We examine how music helped with plague outbreaks in an article discussing how the ancients combined music and medicine. Where did the term Black Death come from? What did writers who lived through the Plague (such as Boccaccio) think about it? Lastly, how did events such as plague and war give rise to shifts in medieval thought, to concepts around momento mori and Danse Macabre? These questions (and many more!) are all answered within these pages!

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Military Orders

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Issue 158, Chroniclers & Storytellers

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