A New England: A Musical Exploration of a Medieval King
Baritone Michael Temporal Darell (King Alfred) sings his sorrows to William Gardner (Asser) in the three-part medieval opera, A New England. Photo: © Claire Shovelton
Historian and author, Dr. Matthew Green, recently showcased the intriguing medieval opera he co-wrote with composer William Gardner, A New England, at the Cockpit Theatre in London. A production about the struggles of a king could not be more significantly timed – King Charles III ascended the throne the week this took the stage. The three-part chamber opera written by Green featured a new retelling of a poignant moment in King Alfred’s tumultuous reign.
The story is set in the ninth century, and Alfred (848/49–899), is in the midst of fighting off Viking invasions. The king is lamenting the loss of land to Viking marauders and looks to Welsh monk, Asser († 909) – who he has called to his court – for comfort and advice. Asser, who later became a bishop, is known for his biography of Alfred’s rule, The Life of King Alfred.
The opera is in three parts, but the performance is only 30 minutes long. Given its brevity, it still manages to pack a lot in. It begins with Alfred seeking comfort in Asser as the Vikings close in on his realm. The second scene sees a confrontation between the monk and king, after which Asser leaves a much grieved Alfred and returns to his monastery in Wales. The last scene sees them joyfully reunited after the Vikings have been defeated. They celebrate by sharing their dreams of a new England.
Asser (William Gardner) bids King Alfred (Michael Temporal Darell) farewell and returns to his abbey in Wales. Photo: © Claire Shovelton
Few operas have been written about Alfred. Green wanted take a stab at offering a fresh interpretation of early medieval sources, and he’s done an admirable job. The leads, Michael Temporal Darell (Alfred), and William Gardner (Asser) are spectacular singers. Given the fact that the decor is rather spartan, (they don’t have much in the way of props, costumes, or other actors to rely to on), they did exceptionally well. The show is carried entirely on the strength of their performances and their ability to convey the story.
Sadly, this is a one-off showing for the time being. The good news is that you can still see A New England by joining an online watch-party this coming Wednesday, September 21st at 7pm.
Sign up to watch here!
From left to right: William Gardner (Asser), Kieran Crowley (Conductor), Dr. Matthew Green (Director, writer), Michael Temporal Darell (King Alfred). Photo: © The Medieval Magazine
A New England
Music: William Gardner
Asser: William Gardner
Alfred: Michael Temporal Darell
Director: Matthew Green
Libretto: Matthew Green
Conductor: Kieran Crowley
Green and Gardener are also currently working on another opera together which they hope to release in January 2023.
For more information on Dr. Matthew Green, please visit his website: Unreal City Audio. Follow him on Twitter: @drmatthewgreen. He has also published his second critically acclaimed book, Shadowlands: A Journey Through Lost Britain (Faber) earlier this year.